Organizations such as Team Nutrition and others have sent teaching materials and products for us to use, and we're putting together curricula for a few different school programs. Dr. Dennis Lamm has also provided excellent resources for research. Mrs. Ginny Casida is creating children's packets, dubbed Self-Discovery Packets, to give the children material to take home.
We have discussed an after-school activity day with the Sangre De Cristo Art Center Young at Art Program ( We will also be working with Heaton Middle School ( and Pueblo School for Arts and Sciences ( The teachers of each of the school programs have been eager to participate and support, and we are so pleased to get the program started at their schools.
We are so excited for the opportunity to share sustainable agriculture and nutrition education with the school children. We have strong support from several important participants:
Dr. Dennis Lamm, Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Chief Investigator of the Grant
Ms. Tisha Casida, That's Natural Marketing Owner and Publisher
Ms. Tammy Alhadef, author, pastry chef - and really good cook, farmer, and educator; Blogger for A Wren's Nest
Mr. Paul Alhadef, photographer and owner of Paul Alhadef Photography, farmer
Mr. Doug and Mrs. Kim Wiley, Larga Vista Ranch dairy farmers and producers
Mr. Mike Bartolo, farmer
Mr. Dan Hobbs, farmer and representative of Arkansas Valley Organic Growers
Mrs. Ginny Casida, children's books author and artist
Ms. Kimberly Schaub, nutrition consultant
Other community members who have offered support include:
Ms. Jo Schrubbe, certified nutritionist
Mr. Clifton Casida, filmographer
We are planning several methods for teaching school children about sustainable agriculture, including presentations, hands-on activities, plays, skits, art projects, and workbook assignments. Involving the children by making the learning process fun and easy will help the children understand and remember the topics.
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